Thursday 31 December 2015

The Doors in Our Life .

The Doors in Our Life 

Doors , Something we don’t really consider much thought on , But spiritually doors mean something great , Just has one would use it to enter and exit a room like wise spiritually you will also . The Scripture I derived this topic from is Revelation 3: 7 “ …….. What he opens no-one can shut and what he shuts no-one can open. , This letter was written to the church in Philadelphia but the portion of the letter brought insight to me I don’t have a degree in theology and you don’t even need to read this but someone I hope it will be touched,  its’s just what I am amazed by the Word of God and I hope it will amaze you .

I have been recently going to through something’s and never knew why but after praying and reading this scripture I understand , people may hate you and persecute you but when you have GOD FOR YOU no want can come against you ,HE fights my battles and HE OPENS doors which man want to be closed , HE OPENS it and how much people can curse you HE TURNS it into a blessing . He even closes doors in your life which He knows are not good for your future .Trust God He has all the keys like the Word of God focus on Him and He will never leave you with shut doors .

Now has meditating on this portion of scripture I was amazed that the spiritual realm also has doors and we can access them through prayer . Now further in the Scripture Revelation :3:8 "I know your works. Behold, I have set before you an open door, which no one is able to shut." When I read this I personalized it , God has set before me an open door that no can close , praise God In life there are things we wish to do but man makes us think we are unable but if HE  has placed an open door which NO man can shut, there is hope for us to do great exploits . 

I believe in having a realtionship with our maker is the most vital thing for a believer , I fear God but I take him has my friend also ,I can take anything to him , He knows somethings in my life no one knows and when I go through situations man cant help me in He does , We have an open door to God in Prayer , use it . He created you and this wonderful world , don't you want to know your creater , HE IS COMING BACK are you ready to meet him , I always say I rather meet someone I know and spend enternity with them than a stranger . 
Use your Open door today !!!  { To be continued }

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