Thursday 31 December 2015

The Doors in Our Life .

The Doors in Our Life 

Doors , Something we don’t really consider much thought on , But spiritually doors mean something great , Just has one would use it to enter and exit a room like wise spiritually you will also . The Scripture I derived this topic from is Revelation 3: 7 “ …….. What he opens no-one can shut and what he shuts no-one can open. , This letter was written to the church in Philadelphia but the portion of the letter brought insight to me I don’t have a degree in theology and you don’t even need to read this but someone I hope it will be touched,  its’s just what I am amazed by the Word of God and I hope it will amaze you .

I have been recently going to through something’s and never knew why but after praying and reading this scripture I understand , people may hate you and persecute you but when you have GOD FOR YOU no want can come against you ,HE fights my battles and HE OPENS doors which man want to be closed , HE OPENS it and how much people can curse you HE TURNS it into a blessing . He even closes doors in your life which He knows are not good for your future .Trust God He has all the keys like the Word of God focus on Him and He will never leave you with shut doors .

Now has meditating on this portion of scripture I was amazed that the spiritual realm also has doors and we can access them through prayer . Now further in the Scripture Revelation :3:8 "I know your works. Behold, I have set before you an open door, which no one is able to shut." When I read this I personalized it , God has set before me an open door that no can close , praise God In life there are things we wish to do but man makes us think we are unable but if HE  has placed an open door which NO man can shut, there is hope for us to do great exploits . 

I believe in having a realtionship with our maker is the most vital thing for a believer , I fear God but I take him has my friend also ,I can take anything to him , He knows somethings in my life no one knows and when I go through situations man cant help me in He does , We have an open door to God in Prayer , use it . He created you and this wonderful world , don't you want to know your creater , HE IS COMING BACK are you ready to meet him , I always say I rather meet someone I know and spend enternity with them than a stranger . 
Use your Open door today !!!  { To be continued }

Wednesday 25 November 2015

My Life Partner 

Meet my my life parter, my best friend , my first love and much more Dushane .
Today I write this blog because it's his birthday , He turns 27 years old and ten years of that 27 years he has been my partner in life. I thank God for the great husband He has blessed me with , He brings light , love and laughter to my life , if there is anyone that can make me laugh its him , That's the best part of been his wife is there is no dull moment I cant be sad without a reason . We have had our up's and downs but we have learnt from every situation . One of our secrets is putting God first .
I love him today just has much has ,I did when we first started dating and  maybe even more .He completes me and I complete him .Thank you Lord for creating this great person and allowing him to my husband .

Thursday 19 November 2015

My Bonus { 2014}

My Bonus { 2014}

Meet Job Ezekiel Munien , the added Bonus , I never expected . He is our "boss" , He brings such joy and laughter to his bigger brother and Sister.My children are my blessings and I thank God everyday for them . Been a mum is hard work but it worth every moment to look at those beatiful eyes and smiles that leave you waiting for more , been a working mum is hard because I feel there is not enough hours in a day for my three kids . I thank God for the strength he gives me to be a mum, wife , worker and leader in his house .

Abigail Hope Munien - My Restoration( 2012)

When God loves you ,He never leaves you and taht's a fact ,He never left me , After losing my baby Girl I never thought I would have children , but one year later I came to know I was expecting and long after I came to know it was a girl , from that moment I knew God was restoring my joy which was taken away , I knew my tears where almost at it's end . The moment I held Her in my hand I was filled with so much so love to my Saviour for giving me back my hearts desire .

Trust in God , never fails , It might seem has though you can't make it over the mountain , but the Word of God says in Matthew 17:20 .. if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you."
Apply the Word Speak into every situation and wait on God and see how miracles will take place in your life .

Thursday 12 November 2015

Esther Magdalen Destiny (2010)

My Second baby , Wow isn't she beautiful , She was all I could ask for , what we wanted to complete Our family , but Sadly she passed away 9 days after her arrival , The greatest loss in my life , one I could never recover from ,it's 5 years now but it feels like yesterday .I write this post to encourage other mothers who are out there to be strong and courageous  because God is with you , Losing her has made me value each moment with my kids and to never to let my circumstances dictate to me but  rather I stick to the word keep prophesying  life into my situations , there is no time to sit and let things happen you need to get up do it !!!

My baby was a great loss but a learning experience I will never forget !!!

Wednesday 11 November 2015

My Journey as a Mum .(2007)

This  journey was one , I never expected to start so early in life, but God places obstacle to mold us into shape, This was mine, This gift from God helped me to a responsible young lady . I love my life no matter how hard or not perfect it might seem.